Thursday, February 7, 2008

Random Review: Chocolate Silk (beverage)

Chocolate Silk

I stopped drinking regular moo-cow fuck milk about ten years ago. I tried Rice Dream, which tasted like talcum powder and water. Soy Dream (Rice Dream’s more successful brother) was a nice upgrade, but the after taste reminded me of when you swim in the ocean and all you taste for the next half hour is salt. Finally, I perched myself in the lactose free tree of Silk. Silk is one of the few brands that I have enough trust in to try all their products. 88% of my diet is cereal, so I’m an avid vanilla Silk junkie, but recently my friend Chuck has been binging on chocolate Silk (which may explain his Wolfman hair). I decided to pick up a carton myself this week and it probably won’t be my last.

First Taste: Whoa…it’s like a Fudgicle died in my mouth. This stuff is awfully sweet, but very refreshing.

After Taste: Well it may take awhile for me to get to the after taste. I’ve been chugging this stuff like the cure for cancer was at the bottom. When I awaken from my diabetic coma I’ll provide a thorough report…if I can keep the carton away from my lips long enough.

Nutritional Value: 3.5g of fat and 19g of sugar per cup. This stuff is flirting with melted milkshake status. Though it does provide a wallop of protein and calcium, chocolate Silk is probably only a healthier alternative to traditional chocolate milk.

Verdict: I doubt I’ll be pouring this stuff into my bowl of Frosted Sugar Bombs, but it’s a great product to keep around when you crave something sweet. For about 3 bucks, I can see myself buying chocolate Silk when the hankering comes.

A solid
3.5/5 cavities.

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