Monday, November 17, 2008

8th grade breaking up is hard to do...

There was this girl Sarah I pretended to know once. I say pretended because honestly I couldn't tell you one thing about her and distinctly remember one conversation, the conversation that made me believe perhaps she was less than thrilled with the knowledge that we were 'going out'. Which is odd because it makes one wonder why the hell we were going out.

I was sitting there and she blurted out, "I can't do anything sexual, I'm saving myself for the sea."

That one threw me for a minute and I just sat there. Not a lot to say in reply to that and even so I searched for one. Finally after sitting there on the swing, kicking at the woodchips I said, "Saving your self for the sea... because like you're planning on being married to the sea one day?"

"Yeah, like that."

"Oh." I said and was silent again. I know that seems like a rare thing for me, and it is. Not that I love the sound of my own voice so much but more because what I have to say is almost guaranteed to be better than anything someone else has to say, so it feels like a duty to say it and head them off at the pass. I'm doing them a favor, not only do they get to hear me they don't get to say whatever stupid shit they were about to say that would just be embarrassing when they thought about it later. But finally, I added, "Why is that exactly? I kind of only thought that happened in like movies and that song Brandy."

"Its a sailor thing, you wouldn't understand it."

"Oh, right. Ok, but, and I'll point this out but don't be mad that I do, you aren't a sailor."

"Well, not physically but in my soul I am."

"So do you physically understand why? Or just like in your soul."

"Well, mentally I understand."

"Right. That's probably the best type of understanding." I said, adding after some more silence, "So, um, I guess that means we're broken up, what with you wanting to be faithful to, you know, the sea and all."

"Well, no, not yet."

"So we will break up but not yet?"

"Right. I want to make Mike A jealous first so if we could go out a couple more weeks."

"But we can't do anything because of the sea and how angry it could get."

"Its less of an anger thing than it is a desire to be faithful."

"Well, at least that's noble."


I wish I could look her up and figure out if she ever became a sailor. If not, considering we went out for like 3+ weeks in 8th grade I am entitled at least 1-2 make out sessions and I should be able to 'feel her up'. And that's at the least.

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