Friday, October 9, 2009

Greensville Times: 4 Weeks of Confusion

4 Weeks in means it is time for a Chin Check Homey!

So 4 weeks down the drain and there are some crazy happenings in ole Greensville. The meat of the season is upon us. Who will hold, who will rise, who will fall? Let us take a brief look at the 3 tiers of dorkdom.

The Comfort Zone (3-1)
Some of these guys have great squads (OrakPown'ed, Team Jamaricana) and others are just getting the wins....Looking at you 4th and Schlong. We'll see if OrakPown'ed can rely on his dope WRS to hold on to the number 1 spot or will Team Jamaricana creep up on him like the stuff he sells in ziplock bags.

The Even Stevens (2-2)
.500 isn't what they hoped for but things could be worse. The Green Machine has the lowest point total in the league but is holding on the the number 7 spot. Look for the Cunt Returner to make a move upward if 4th and Schlong doesn't put some points on the board.

Doo Doo Birds (One win or less)
Excuses, excuses. "My 1st round pick got injured". Suck it up. "My WRs got AIDS in the hands". Oh boo-hoo. If we want to make things interesting down the line the wins have to start coming in. My favorite to win the league this year still hasn't won a contest, but that changes this week. That's right my upset special is Will Reign Supreme over the heavily favored Muenchies. No reasoning really, just has to be time.

1 comment:

Matt said...


shithawks just arrived at your should never have performed that shitdance trying to make it rain shit on everyone else's parade man...