Thursday, October 16, 2008

Brian is Pissed

I don't see how you can defend those alternative energy monstrosities. Sure, it was fine when it was just the odd old little windmills dotting the countryside, but we're talking about a fucking INVASION now. My dad supported us when I was little by turning a crank at a steady rate for 19 hours a day, you fucker. Guess who gets all the crank-turning jobs now? Yeah.

They take our JOBS, they feed off of our TAX DOLLARS . . . they even take our women. My wife of two years left me for a windmill because it got promoted to shift manager at the crank-turning yard. SHIFT MANAGER. And he doesn't even speak proper English! He speaks that crazy windmill language that's all WOOSH WOOSH WOOSH with the blades cutting through the air

The minigolf course by Fuddruckers was restricted to good, honest folk in my dad's time, and now this FUCKING WINDMILL stands in the middle of the eighth hole and keeps kicking my ball away from the hole, LAUGHING AT ME, and when I shouted at him SECURITY ESCORTED ME OUT. I WAS A PAYING CUSTOMER. FUCK. FUCK YOU.

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