Friday, October 24, 2008


I haven't talked about Zombies yet. That seems strange, doesn't it? I love Zombies. Everyone who knows me knows I love Zombies. Still, it's hard not to feel a little Zombie fatigue when they are the hip thing on the internet. Or I guess were a year ago. Nothing has replaced them though. It went Ninjas to Pirates to Zombies. What else is there? I don't know, I'm actually pretty tired, my neck hurts, and I'm really light headed for some reason. I don't think I'm drunk, drunk is more fun. Whatever, I've rambled enough, let's talk (and by I talk I mean I write and you read) about Dawn of the Dead.

This is probably the best Zombie movie ever made. There could be arguments I guess but those arguments would be wrong. I guess some jackass could point out opinions aren't wrong or right. That jackass would also be wrong. Go ahead, disagree, see what I call you. Anyway, the movie is about a group of survivors who take a news station helicopter and get the hell away from Philadelphia. The city is of course full of evil, drooling pasty human looking creatures who are violent and irrational, if you've ever been to Philadelphia or talked to an Eagles fan you know what I'm talking about. Also, in the movie there are zombies there. (See what I did there?)

Anyway, jokes aside the survivors find a mall with a helipad and set down. That's where the real movie starts. This movie isn't about zombies, no good zombie movie is about the zombies. A good Zombie movie knows that Zombies are actually pretty fucking boring. They have no personality and they kind of just lurch around. A good Zombie movie is about the survivors. Where this one gets unique is in the tension it doesn't have in parts and how that adds to the tension later. In Night of the Living Dead the survivors in the farm house are at each other's throats constantly and in constant danger. In this movie the survivors work well together and get the mall secure and zombie free pretty easily.

What they fall prey to then is boredom more than anything. The movie has some pretty nice commentary on human consumerism as well. After all, you go to a mall for safety. All the zombies show up at the mall. Why? Well, it's where they remember wanting to be. The muzak pumps through the mall the entire time. Also, as with any good Zombie movie what dooms the survivors are not the Zombies but instead other humans. You see, Zombies aren't good or evil, they don't have the cognitive capacity for morality. They just exist and eat. Humans though, nothing is more evil than a human being when he wants to be.

Of course, the movie is gory as hell. There are some really nice physical effect with zombies eating body parts and such. Not that this is surprising, this is Tom Savini's first real work as a special effects guy. If you don't know who he is, he's considered the best horror special effects guy ever. It shows. You know, I'm rambling again, I've lost my point. Can we all just agree this movie is good and should be seen and zombies are cool? I hope so, I'd hate to call you a jackass

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